Exposes | Articles
We the People are the De Jure Authority: Article 1 of the 1820 Maine Constitution S1-4 of 24.

We the People are the De Jure Authority: Article 1 of the 1820 Maine Constitution S1-4 of 24.

Section 1 Natural rights: "All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and unalienable Rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and of pursuing and...

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The etymology of “anarchy,” does it mean what you think it means?

The etymology of “anarchy,” does it mean what you think it means?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word anarchy? Is it a scene like unto "Mad Max Fury Road" or the Fallout video game series, a dystopian or semi-apocalyptic future, filled with bandits, feral beasts, cannibals, raiders, general chaos, dogs and cats living...

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A brief explanation of the “Sovereignty” argument (and why I don’t care for it as commonly presented)

A brief explanation of the “Sovereignty” argument (and why I don’t care for it as commonly presented)

The term "Sovereign Citizen" has worked its way into the vernacular of law enforcement (thank you FBI *sarcasm*) and of the general populace. In my quest to teach people to consider the words they use and to have a comprehension of language that is better overall, we...

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