2nd Annual Maine Freedom Rally

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Journalism, Activism, Civil Rights, Education, Exposes, Wellness

The Freedom Rally, a highly anticipated event, is set to take place today from 12pm to 6pm in Ellsworth, Maine. The rally will be held at the esteemed John Linnehan’s Constitution Hall, a fitting venue for an event centered around celebrating constitutional rights and freedoms. With attendees expected to flock from all over the state, organizers have made sure that everyone can participate by offering a live stream of the proceedings.

The Freedom Rally aims to bring together like-minded individuals who share a passion for defending and upholding their constitutional liberties. From freedom of speech to medical freedom, participants will unite in support of these fundamental rights that define American democracy. In light of recent events and ongoing discussions surrounding individual freedoms and government overreach, this rally provides an important platform for citizens to voice their concerns and engage in constructive dialogue.

2nd Annual Maine Freedom Rally

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Maine Electric Rates: Legislative Failures and Consumer Burden

Maine Electric Rates: Legislative Failures and Consumer Burden

About a year ago The Maine Anchor published an interview with Jim LaBrecque who gave a history of why Maine has such high electric rates. The question is, did the 131st, Democratically controlled legislature do anything for the people of Maine, or did they represent special interest groups with their hand in your pocket?

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