5 Toronto Area Doctors Dead in July Following 4th Mandated Covid “vaccine” Booster Shot

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Journalism, Fort Fairfield Journal

officials Promise the deaths are not related to the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’

By David Deschesne

Five Young doctors are now dead in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) following the mandating of the increasingly ineffective and potentially dangerous experimental COVID-19 ” Vaccine.”
” Its is with deep sadness that Trillium Health Partners mourns the loss of three of our physicians who recently passed away, “said a statement from Trillium Health Partners sent to the Toronto Sun. “Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall were trusted colleagues who were committed to caring for their patients and community.”
Within a week, a fourth doctor, Dr. Paul Hannam, Chief of Emergency Medicine at North York General Hospital also died suddenly. Dr. Hannam, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics sailor, was described as a “physician, Olympian, family man, and a mentor” who died of sudden cardiac failure early into a fun run on the 16th of July 2022 at “50 years old”. The fifth doctor to die was also very athletic, 27 year old Candace Nayman who was a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton. She collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon on July 27th. She subsequently died a day later. No cause of death for Nayman has been released. Hospital officials are quick to run damage control for their pro-COVID ‘vaccine’ narrative by claiming the deaths had nothing to do with the “vaccines”. This statement from a group of people who claim the alleged “vaccines” were safe and effective, but now it’s being widely reported and admitted by the U.S. CDC that the purported “vaccines” do not stop the recipients from catching SARS-CoV-2 or spreading it to others. The U.S. CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which is shared with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also shows nearly 30,000 deaths attributed to the purported COVID-19 “vaccines” since their introduction to the populace in December, 2020. In the past year and a half after the rollout of the “Warp speed” – developed “vaccines,” which were rushed through production and into the population with scant safety reports of new cases of heart inflammation in the form of myocarditis and pericarditis–both potentially lethal–following the ‘vaccine’ have been noted within the medical literature.
However, due to the highly politicized nature of the alleged “vaccines” all objective, science-based thinking has been tossed to the side in order to prop up a failing Covid “vaccine” narrative that too many medical professionals have invested so much into that they are unwilling to admit the potentially toxicity of the hastily-produced, experimental drugs they tirelessly advocated for before any long-term safety studies could be properly conducted.

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