Maine House And Senate candidates meet and greet at the Durham Eureka building

by | May 30, 2022 | Journalism, Representatives

 Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. This reporter happens to agree, and the fate of our nation seems to be resting on our willingness to settle our differences and finally come together as one. In fact, George Washington warned us about the two-party system, and how it would lead to the destruction of the nation. Is it too late to turn away from right vs. left to simply right vs wrong? Can we not just acknowledge truth vs. lies, and moral vs immoral? A rising tide lifts all boats after all, and it does not matter what color shirt you have on. 

despite a heated political climate, Brogan Teel, candidate for Senate district 23, gave some encouraging words towards working together as one community at the Eureka building in Durham Me. Brogan indicated that, “we need to at least consider some radical ideas in light of the radical times we live.” For example, Brogan elaborated, “that if our nation faces runaway inflation, and consequently a collapsing infrastructure, then we may need to seriously look to the old ways of doing things.” Specifically, Brogan said she would be open to bringing back the one room schoolhouses, where children of varying age gaps can learn together and learn from each other from caring and responsible adults. Brogan also told the audience that as a loving mother herself, she often feels the anxiety of us all. 

Joe Galleta, candidate for Maine house district 98 also reminded the audience of individual accountability, and expressed his desire to see his auto sales business running well into the future. Joe spoke of the unsung heroes like his wife Jennifer who works tirelessly as a reentry specialist for the Cumberland County Sheriff’s office. 

Guy Lebida, competing against Galleta for House seat 98, spoke warmly about his children and grandchildren during his opening comments. Guy stated that, “we need to come together in a common cause for all of our families, and that our collective future rests on what we do next.” Guy spoke openly on his faith, and stated, “it is in God we should trust.” Lebida also suggested that re-arranging deck chairs on this titanic may in fact not be the worst of ideas at this stage of the game. In fact Guy explained, “simply forcing house members to be seated alphabetically instead of being segregated could go a long way towards cooperation and learning to play nice.” Guy urged attendees to support independent media who are attempting to report the truth, and welcomed feedback towards his largely self-funded newspaper called The Maine Anchor. Guy told the members that he is a fan of life over death, and told this reporter that, “If a doctor can pronounce you dead when your heart stops, then why can’t they pronounce you alive when it starts.” Guy expressed his deep concerns over the implosion of our economy and monetary system, as well as the pornographic material recently approved for MSAD 75 school children. Mr. Lebida said that he is committed to reporting the facts, is not above humble correction when appropriate, and will expose evil wherever and whenever he can. Guy also said he is deeply concerned over skyrocketing utility rates, and people’s ability to afford basic amenities. 

Candidate for congressional district 1, Ed Thelander also spoke at the public conference. Ed, who has lived a life of service including 21 years in the Navy seal teams told the audience that he is running “because he simply has to.” Ed went on to indicate that despite some of his challenging experiences and limited creature comforts during service, the only thing he asks for in return is a hot shower at the end of the day. Furthermore, Ed confided, “even that shower seems no longer a guarantee at this time in history.” Ed encouraged the audience to be on his team, and that he is proud to work with the best. Furthermore, Ed recounted experiences during his service of bringing arch enemies together in peace on a live battlefield, and that he possesses the skills to bring that to congress. Ed also spoke on the need to stop inflationary spending, reconsider some of the burdensome regulations harming our free markets, and perhaps most importantly to stop the bleeding at our southern border. 

Last but not least, candidate for Maine Senate district 20, Eric Brakey spoke at length about the toxic monetary policies caused by the FED, and it’s devastating inflationary impact. Brakey spoke on his flagship efforts here in Maine resulting in constitutional carry, as well as that act making Maine the safest state in the nation. Eric reminded the audience that the country simply needs to enforce the constitution as it was written, and that lockdowns should have never taken place to begin with. Brakey said with emotion in his voice, “that we cannot be the generation that allows the torch of liberty to be extinguished.” Brakey recounted the little-known battle of Machias during the Revolutionary war, and you could almost hear some good ole Maine boys saying, “you aint getting no lumber from us bub” as they captured the British ship. Brakey indicated the need to reintroduce constitutional gold and silver as currency once again, and stated that he planned to introduce legislation ending all sales, and capitol gains tax on real money. Brakey urged efforts to audit the FED, and appeared responsive when this reporter suggested identifying Maine’s gold held at the central bank. Perhaps if the federal government will not restore constitutional money, then Maine will once again fix bayonets and lead the charge as we did during the battle of little round top? 

Also represented at the meeting, was the grassroots coalition Maine stands up. Daniel Dale, representing the group addressed the audience, and thanked them for the invitation. Dan told the members that, “we came together out of concern for our God given freedoms.” Mr. Dale also explained “that it is our duty and privilege to protect those liberties while demanding our elected leaders be held accountable.” Members of the coalition also include Senate candidate Brogan Teal, and House candidate Guy Lebida. Also representing Maine stands up was beloved Jim Cornish of the Stone Soup Institute, as well as a handful of his students. Jim has long been a pioneer of teaching the old ways of living, and his skills have become increasingly popular during these uncertain times. Jim has indicated in the past that although he will support the right man or woman for the job, he sure is not about to forego his corn planting this season. This reporter suggests we may wish be wise and follow Jim’s lead. 

Written by Anna Nimos 

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